Learn Embedded C with ARDUINO IDE


For all those robotic enthusiast who are yet to learn C programming and which eventually stops them from learning ARDUINO, its timed to rejoice. Now we have planned to offer a special course in Embedded C called as Cembed using ARDUINO IDE.

And this is for all those who wants to learn “how to program a microcontroller.” This course will provide you with a way for doing it in Arduino.

Course Contents:

  • Basics of C-programming using Arduino IDE
  • Functions in C-programming
  • Syntax in C-programming
  • Data-types in C-programming
  • Simple Embedded C program
  • Advanced Embedded C program

Duration: 20 hours

Eligibility: Candidates registered for Embeduino, Roboduino, FABRO – Intermediate, or FABRO – Advanced are only eligible.

Required: A laptop for coding embedded C


What is the use of learning it?

  • Get exposed to the world of Arduino programs
  • Get to know how to program various micro-controllers.
  • Get ideas to start coding

It was completely a new technique of learning C program. I was zero before I went on to join this course. Now, I am able to develop my own programs with ease.


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