FABricating ROboticiansSimple Botix + Wireless Botix = FABRO Basic
Rs.7000/- + Rs.8500/- = 15500/- Rs.14000/-
Also feature 3 additional robots
FABRO Basic is a robotics course, where you can learn all the basics of developing a robot right from scratch. In the course of training, you will learn to develop 10 different application-oriented robots without programming.
- Charger Kit
- Come In My Way Robot
- Follow Me Robot
- Pit Robot
- Take Diversion Robot
- Robotel
- Radio Robot
- Detective Robot
- White Tracker
- Robot Shuttler
What is the use of learning it?
- Learn robotics right from scratch
- Get to know the basic electronic components
- Develop your own robots without programming
Eligibility: 12+ years of age
Duration: 24 hours
Class Timings: Convenient time between 11 am to 6 pm
FABRO Basic (Classroom Training)
FABricating ROboticians
- Each participant will get a complete robot kit for free (excluding Spy Cam) and a course completion certificate